Sunday, November 8, 2015

MUFON BS - California Creature Photos - Elk Grove October 2015

As I've been exposing for quite some time now on my blog UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock - tons of UFOlogy is complete and utter BS... promoted by who knows who .... and often for internet clicks. Today when I decided to update my State UFO blogging series and saw that California was the longest not updated - over a year now - I went into the MUFON archive and searched for the WEIRDEST find available in the database - searching the last 180 days for reports in California that involved the ALIEN label..... and straight up I find the below - PURE BS of recycled `alien' pictures portrayed as an event that happened just a few days ago (10-26-15) in Elk Grove.

Here's the BS link to the story you see copy and pasted below - Elk Grove Nonsense
And, the story itself:
Long Description of Sighting Report
I had been in empty field getting some painting done. When suddenly , I heard what can be called a sonic boom. I quickly looked up and try to identify what had made this strange sound. I saw an aircraft which was unusual for the area I was in. I came to the assumption that this was no ordinary aircraft. I was no fast enough to catch up to the entity so I went back to painting when I heard the noise again a sonic boom it had done this 3 or 4 times before disappearing suddenly. Out of curiosity I went to investigate the object and that's when things got weird I heard something rustling near some bushes. I froze in fear waiting for the entity to reveal it's self, camera ready it jumped out of the bush snarling and sniffing I snapped a photo and forgot to turn off the sound it heard the noise and went to investigate it got around 30 feet away from me and didn't notice me. Out of fear , I was ready to turn back and get out of there. But the curiosity got to me, I knew of a local sewer that I thought it could have tried to take shelter at. So I brought a flashlight and got my camera. After what seemed about 200 yards of walking, I heard footsteps other than mine. I turned off the flashlight and yelled, "I have a knife and I'm not afraid to use it." Then I heard a roar and growl come from the end of tunnel. I froze in fear and dropped my flashlight. As it rolled back and fourth, flickering on and off. I waited for it to stop moving. I stood there the next thing that I saw haunted me... It was a human - reptile creature staring at me with eyes that reflected that light of flash light. I quickly started running until I was about a mile away from the area. I never went back, but for what I know it could still be hiding in the sewers waiting. FOR THOSE WHO READ THIS BE WARNED ! IT CAN STILL BE OUT THERE IN THE ELK GROVE SEWER SYSTEM WAITING FOR ITS NEXT PREY, HEAD MY ADVICE AND DON'T BE A HERO STAY FAR AWAY AS POSSIBLE ! I CAN'T TELL IF REMEMBERS ME OR IF IT EVEN KNOWS WHERE I LIVE ! ILL KEEP YOU UPDATED!
WOW you say... right? Not only that - THREE pictures submitted from this recent encounter.... one problem the picture shown below is also found at:

You get the idea?

Purported Picture Taken 10-26-2015 Posted To MUFON
Two other equally implausible pictures were also submitted that frankly after the above... I simply don't have the energy to pursue... the BS of UFOLOGY.
Oh, as I've stated at every State UFO blog I've updated in 2014 - all decent pictures posted on the blog or nearly so - have been deleted at their source by MUFON... mufon is in the business of censorship IMO....
Dig into the archive and see how much they remove.

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