Monday, July 7, 2014

June 18th Mission Viejo UFO Video Found To Be Near Identical To (Forgotten And Unknown) Mission UFO Video Of 2010

Not only that, the account has nothing to do with UFOs and is that persons ONLY UFO upload..... 2/17/2010 - same Orb that diffuses into two lights and back into one stuff. Wow.
it was weird.. there is no airport right there, i have seen similar slow moving lights on a cessna over head around here but these were amazingly bright amber, they had the landing pattern of very large 747's then fade away then another above it then fade away. again NO AIRPORT. i'm not saying alien but definitely unidentified

But, remember that Seven Years Ago The RC Folks had the UFO thing down to this:
I also updated this story at my main UFO blog UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock - in that update I find a 2012 video that is near identical too. So, that's 2010,2012 and 2014.... hmmm. I also found another video of the June 18th event.
Dig into the archive

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