Full Report - Irving California June 2014 UFO-Orb Craft
(highlights below) (10:45PM)
... I happened to see a bright whitish orange-yellow light ascending up over the trees in the southeast sky which seemed to come toward me like a plane's head light (which is what I assumed it was), but then it just stopped and hovered where it was at. It seemed as if we're possibly 3-5 miles away, maybe less. ....I then stood on the front walkway on the third floor of my building looking southeast and just watched it sit there for another 10 minutes hovering. During the time that the light was present, several helicopters were in the sky heading towards it. One of the helicopters had a search light, but the light was swirling around skyward instead of toward the ground as they do when conducting a typical search. I watched in amazement thinking there had to be a logical explanation and that it would eventually end up being a common object that I would be able to recognize, but it remained stationary. Then it was as if someone just turned out the light. It seemed as if it was still there after the light went out. Upon examining my pictures, I noticed the light seemed to have a distinctive circular shape with almost a separate round spot in the center that stayed consistent in each picture whether it was a zoom shot or a regular one. Today, I google to see if anyone else had reported anything similar and a gentleman from Temecula,CA videotaped the very same thing last night as well.
Pictures Submitted

(seen below)


At 10:30-11:00 - same night, similar report in Murrieta
incredibly similar
At 10:30 same night, 10:30-11:00 PM, Mission Viejo Report - Again, Similar - This Time With Submitted Video
Multiple Times TWO Appear At Same Time Such As 13:40+ and twice before too
(see the link yourself below)
One of the most amazing UFO videos I've seen in the past 7 years - very reminiscent of what was seen in Toronto in 2011 immediately prior to the Jerusalem Orb in late Jan. 2011. Indeed, the brightness and the slight movement of the object - over and over - beginning at the same location, fading and reappearing again at the same location.... (time loopish almost)... wow. What is coming and what is up?
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At 10:10 same night, Mission Viejo, different report and one picture - pic is when object was in two parts:
Says It Hovered For 10 Minutes

At 10:10 same night, Mission Viejo, different report and one picture - pic is when object was in two parts:
Says It Hovered For 10 Minutes

sideways upon posting from MUFON link above - at link it is straight up. Sorry.
At 10:40pm, Rancho Santa Margarita, MULTIPLE Videos - it's even closer here and you see the two and one go `out' - WTH?
The Report
And YES Another Video Link - New Angle
At 10:40pm, Rancho Santa Margarita, MULTIPLE Videos - it's even closer here and you see the two and one go `out' - WTH?
The Report
I was driving with my girlfriend to her house in r.s.m. I saw a big glowing light over a hilltop in the distance ahead of us. Brighter than any light possible. We drove around the hill to get a closer look. It seemed to have moved further out in the distance. We pulled over next to the road where we saw 5 other people watching the same thing. (As we were standing there people kept driving up to see the same thing). There seemed to be a little bit of a green light coming of the top of it. It seemed to be saucer shaped with antenna or something coming off the top to emit the green light. When we pulled up a second one appeared a little higher just to the left of it. The UFOs were glowing extremely bright and slowly pulsating in brightness. We watched for about 20 minutes as both would randomly go dark and reappear and pulsate. Decided to give up and drive home after both went dark and were no longer visible. As we got to my house atop a big hill we looked out in the distance towards the beach and could see 2 extremely large mother ships. It couldn't have been anything else because they had very bright white lights on the side of them in a row. One had 5 white lights and a little green one on the end just below the far right white light. The spot where we saw the UFOs was just over the hill in the Cleveland national forest area just east of Rancho Santa Margarita, California. Can pinpoint on map if needed to. |
(link to above movie below - use link if it doesn't load above)
http://www.mufoncms.com/files/57162_submitter_file2__trim.AGTPNh.MOVAnd YES Another Video Link - New Angle